Travel $10 (Old Magnolia area)
Travel $40 (over 15 miles from 19677 Dorris Dr, Magnolia, Tx 77355)
Travel $1.00 round trip (For every mile over 15 miles)
Travel Tolls/Parking You will be billed for tolls and parking expenses that MUST be paid BEFORE I sign any documents
After Hours $25 (6pm-10pm plus travel fee)
Late Nights, Weekends, Holidays $50 (10:01pm-1am and weekends plus travel fee)
Hospitals and nursing homes $25 (Plus travel fee)
Jails and detention centers $100 (Plus travel fee)
Wait time $25 per hour (If waiting 30 minutes or longer past appointment time at any location)
Printing fee Black/White $0.25 per page. (If you don’t have access to a printer, you may email them to me and I will print for you)
Printing fee Color $0.50 per page. (If you don’t have access to a printer, you may email them to me and I will print for you)
Printed copies for personal records Black/White $0.25 per page
Printed copies for personal records Color $0.50 per page
Scan and email copy for personal records $0.50 per page
Priority Mail of Documents $30 (you will be emailed the tracking number)